Thursday, February 09, 2006

JIBs Congrats and a Very Special Request

Now that the JIB winners for “Best Series” have been announced I wanted to congratulate the winners on thier respective well deserved finishes. For me it was a real thrill for “Point of Pinchas” to be going up against such quality – what I call “major league” - blogs. It was even a greater honor to actually being competitive!

To be so competitive I was forced to “vigorously campaign” as it were. But actually it was a great excuse for shamelessly promoting my blog. I was forced to e-mail friends and family about it. I also plugged my blog on various popular message boards and mailing lists I use. So as a result of the JIBs, I ended up with nearly ten times the amount of traffic I normally get and I owe it all the “major league” blogs and of course to Dave from Israellycool (Vote for him here) and the Jerusalem Post. And as my blog got more hits people got to see and learn more about things that volunteers are doing to help the Gush Katif families.

Hopefully I can continue to post quality content and can use this JIBs boost as a stepping stone to further growth. Now if only I could come up with a good logo...

In the meantime here are the details of the winning serieses: (how do you make series plural?)

Jewlicious won the Gold for their “Hate Site of the Weak" Series. There different hate sites are exposed for the mental weaklings they really are.

Lazer Beams took the Silver for his well done 5-part “Trail of Tears” series linking the common backgrounds and plight of the Cherokee Indians and the Jewish people.

Hirhurim snagged the Bronze for an excessively detailed series analyzing the halachic bases for religious Zionism.

In the JIBs there are no “Honorable Mentions” but I would like to mention one anyway.

Elie from Elie's Expositions writes a most truly truly heartbreaking blog series about the loss of his 18 year old son Aaron, simply entitled “Aarons Story.” In fact after reading it I’d like to ask the JIB judges for a special request. I’d like to offer Elie my 118 votes. Along with his 86 votes this would virtually put him in a tie for the Gold. So Dave, what do ya say?

(And everyone else reading this post should at least read “Aaron’s Story.”)


Blogger Elie said...

Wow. I am very deeply touched. What can I say but a heartfelt thanks.


3:11 PM  

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